How to Prepare for your Portrait Shoot

We know it looks like we’re professional models, OBVIOUSLY. But even we understand how difficult it can be to get comfortable during a portrait shoot.

If you’ve booked a portrait session recently (with us or another photographer), here are a few ways to prepare so you get the most out of your shoot:

1. Look at Examples

Make a Pinterest board or save images on Instagram for inspiration. Pay attention to poses, expressions, and compositions that resonate with you, and consider how you can adapt them to suit your own personality and preferences. Be sure to share these with your photographer so they have a sense of your vision.

2. Look in the Mirror

Spend some time in front of a mirror and observe how you naturally move and express yourself. Pay attention to your body language, facial expressions and gestures. Experiment with different poses and angles to see what looks best on you. Take note of the poses that feel most comfortable and flattering, and (again) share these ideas with your photographer.

3. Dress Comfortably

Of course you might be tempted to wear that new super-tight piece of clothing, or a color you wouldn’t normally wear that you think will read on camera, but wearing something that you feel comfortable in should be the priority. Otherwise, you’ll be stiff and fidgety in front of the camera, and that could carry over into the final shot.

4. Go Natural

As with clothing, keep your hair and makeup aligned with how you would normally wear it out into the world. Of course we want you to look like you on your best day, but most importantly we want you to look like YOU!

5. Communicate with your Photographer

It’s OK to admit that you don’t feel comfortable during the session! Believe us, every photographer understands. Be open and honest and work together with your photographer to get comfortable. We bet they’ll have a few good tricks to put you at ease!


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